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What is Moores Law
What is Moore’s Law?

In 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore made a prediction that would shape the trajectory of modern technology. He observed that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit doubled roughly every two years and led to exponential increases in computing power and efficiency. This principle, known as Moore’s Law, became more than just a prediction…

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What do Transistors Do?
What Do Transistors Do? Learn More!

A transistor is a device used to regulate the flow of electrical signals. The basic role of transistors is to control or amplify electrical signals, which makes them an essential component of nearly every modern electronic device. Who Invented the Transistor? The invention of the transistor is one of the most important technological breakthroughs in…

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Active vs Passive Components in Electronics

In the ever-evolving field of electronics, where continuous innovation pushes the limits of what’s achievable, a significant division defines the essential building blocks of electronics, known as electronic components. These components can be broadly categorized into two main types: active and passive. Despite their apparent differences in attributes and roles, these two types of components…

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